Terms and Conditions

Please read the following terms and conditions before confirming your booking.

Opening Hours:
The facilities will normally be available from 08:00 to 18:00. Earlier access or later departure will be charged at an hourly rate of £50.00/hr; only full hours can be booked.

Booking conditions:
The Organisation (or individual if the booking is not on behalf of an organisation)
in whose name the booking is made, unless otherwise stated, will be considered
the Hirer and by confirming the booking with the Incidental Ltd agrees
to the terms and conditions described here.
Selecting the tick box below will be taken as acceptance of these terms and
Incidental Ltd reserves the right to vary its charges without notice. Any charges
relating to confirmed bookings which have been given in writing will be adhered

Provisional Bookings
Provisional bookings will be entered on the diary and held free of charge for one
week. During this period if we have further interest in the centre, we will contact
you to confirm or release your booking. If no confirmation is received the booking will be deleted from the diary automatically.
All the Hirer’s requirements should be detailed on the booking form at the time
of booking. The Hirer shall notify Incidental Ltd of any changes to the
requirements detailed on the booking form, in writing, not less than one week
before the event.

Confirmation of Booking
Once the terms and conditions are selected as accepted below, the cancellation policy
will apply.

In the event that the Hirer cancels a confirmed booking, the following charges
will be applied:
• Less than 3 months notice: 25% of room hire
• Less than 2 months notice: 50% of room hire
• Less than 1 months notice: 100% of room hire

Notification of cancellations should be made in writing and will be effective on
the date received by Incidental Ltd.

Incidental Ltd reserves the right to cancel the booking if the holding of the
function is deemed a conflict of interest or potentially harmful to the business or
its staff. Should it be deemed by Incidental Ltd that a client has withheld and/or
not disclosed full details of the event and its contents for any reason then we
reserve the right to cancel the booking without penalty or liability.

Early admission to rooms
At the discretion of Incidental Ltd staff early admission to a room may be allowed for the Hirer, contractors or sponsors of the organiser. However, the hire period will be deemed to have commenced at the time of admission to the room and
therefore be chargeable. Charges are applied on a pro rata basis of a half day
hire charge and charged full the full hour if used for part thereof.

Late vacating of rooms
In the event of the Hirer, their delegates or contractor failing to vacate the room
at the end of the hire period, including the failure to remove any items brought
in for the event, except by prior arrangement, additional charges for room hire
will be levied, to include any additional room hire charges and staffing costs

Deposits and payments
Incidental Ltd reserves the right to charge the Hirer full payment for a booking in
advance. Payment for all invoices is required within 7 days of the invoice date.
VAT is applicable to all charges at the current rate.

When using the phantom head stations, a full demonstration will be provided to the
course organiser/hirer. It is then the responsibility of the course organiser/hirer to
ensure each phantom head station is used appropriately. Any damages reported or
assessed afterwards will be highlighted to the course organiser/hirer and will result
in a charge for any repairs or replacement.

Catering service
Incidental Ltd offers free standard catering to include:
• Tea
• Coffee
• Drinking Water
• Milk and Sugar / Sweetener
• Sweet treats

Access to the kitchen area to prepare standard catering is permitted.

Catering is available through Olivia’s Kitchen. All dietary requirements must be notified to Incidental Ltd at least 30 days before the planned course date, changes after this point are not possible.

Exhibitions and display materials
• Hirers using Incidental Training Centre for exhibitions or bringing display materials to
The centre for their conference or meeting are required to inform the
conference centre staff of what they are bringing at least a week in
advance of the booking.
• Incidental ltd reserves the right to remove any materials which may be
deemed offensive or which are positioned in such a way that may cause
health and safety problems.
• Deliveries of such materials can only be accommodated on the day prior
to the booking and must be removed immediately at the end of the
booking. Incidental Ltd is in no way liable for materials/equipment left for
collection nor deliveries which have not been signed for by Incidental Ltd
staff. All deliveries must be left with clear address labels attached.
• Set up and provision of display materials is the responsibility of the hirer.

Health and Safety
• The Hirer is responsible for the Health and Safety of their staff and
delegates throughout the duration of the hire period and will be expected
to comply with all relevant legislation.
• Information regarding emergency procedures, housekeeping and First Aid
arrangements is available from the Incidental Ltd staff member present on
the day of the booking.
• The capacities of the room given on hire and may not be exceeded for
safety reasons.
• The management reserves the right to alter proposed room layouts in
order to comply with fire regulations and to refuse admission to rooms if
over-crowding is liable to occur.

The Incidental Training Centre has 24-hour CCTV monitoring for security and reserves the right to access any CCTV footage when required.
OUR PLACE reserves the rights to inspect all articles, containers and equipment

Insurance and liability
Incidental Ltd shall not be responsible for any loss or damage to property brought
to the premises by the hirer; such property, and any insurance of it, remains the
responsibility of the hirer throughout.
The Hirer will be responsible for any damage to the venue’s fixtures and fittings.
The cost of repair or replacement will be confirmed in writing within 14-days
after the conference/event.
Incidental Ltd will not be responsible for any injury which may be incurred by any
persons during the holding of a function arising from the actions of any individual
outside of its control or arising from a failure to adhere to rules set out by the
Nor shall Incidental ltd be responsible for any loss due to mechanical breakdown,
failure in electricity supply, flood, fire, government restriction, industrial action,
the need to undertake emergency repairs in the venue or an act of God which
may cause Incidental Ltd premises to be temporarily closed or the function

Coats and personal property
Incidental ltd does not accept responsibility for the property of customers or
guests. Any goods deposited are left at the owner’s risk and without any liability
on the part of Incidental Ltd.

Additional Staff
If additional staff are required for an event, Incidental ltd team will exercise their
discretion in ensuring provision is in place and will confirm the costs and requirement with you in advance.